Monday, October 31, 2011


The other day I was confronted with many people’s worst nightmare, no I’m not talking about an extremely large spider that happens to be on the wall next to you; but instead when for some reason you aren’t able to skip through commercials due to Comcast locking that feature for a particular show. I have always quickly skipped through or “zapped” through commercials to get back to that oh so ever drama filled weekly soap opera of mine but now I was forced to sit through the agonizing 3-5minutes of commercials. While the anxiety slowly built up for who killed Mrs. Jackson, a commercial suddenly came on that caught my attention and relieved me from the frantic hysteria of the show. The commercial that was playing was the Travelers Insurance commercial, where there was a dog that protects his dog house from the “cat burglar”. I thought it was an extremely clever and funny commercial but more importantly it made me curious about Travelers Insurance. The curiosity sparked from the commercial then put a thought in my mind. As an advertiser I would hate zapping and what it meant for consumers. If zapping were to be stopped advertisers would be able to reach their target market in a much more efficient manner than losing millions of dollars in advertisements that may never be seen by the majority of the public. In the end I personally think that the consumer could step away from that anxiety of their soap opera and take in the entertainment and hard work put on by the advertisement agencies. In the end one commercial that catches your attention may be a company and service that you decide to purchase and invest in. I can personally speak truth behind this for I am now a customer of Travelers Insurance.

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